Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ignatian Wisdom

“The Examen Prayer
Ignatian Wisdom for Our Lives Today”.

The following is an adapted and personalised extract supplied by one of our group members
The prayers and methods of praying suggested by St Ignatious (Google him) who’s gift was to seek God following structured methods. Here is one to pray at the end of the day:

I know that I am a fallen human and that I am in need of God’s forgiveness and that due to his love for me I will receive it.  All of this gives great comfort at the end of the day – to know that you are forgiven.

Reflect through the happenings of the day giving thanks. This could be done hour by hour or event by event. Give thanks.
We know that we are recipients of God’s grace, and so that it shouldn’t be wasted on us instead we need to ask these sort of questions.  Ask the Lord, “What do you want to show me about today?”, “What do you want me to learn about today?”  

We have a variety of thoughts throughout the day – some God-inspired and others not.  What was of God and should be followed and what was not and should be discarded?

As you reflect … be aware of renewal and  in praying this step we ask for grace both to see clearly which initiatives God desires us to choose and to practice those initiatives effectively in the coming day.”  

I am the pilgrim walking with Moses and following the pillar of cloud/fire and being led in endlessly new ways to the fulfilment of the promise of hope.