Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The last one (For 2012!)

The final blogging for 2012 comes from 2 quotes. 

The first being an adaptation "it wasn’t until I figured out that it wasn’t the Lord who was working with me but me working with the Lord that all things started to fall into place" (source unknown).

So let us head into 2013 resting from the stress of our own efforts (if so) and trusting in our loving God to keep on showing us his will for us - keeping in mind that the creator of an entire universe knows how to communicate that will to us!

The second one... As Christians we should consider ourselves “counter-cultural arming ourselves with love and peace" (Sharron Reissinger Lucas) as we go out into this world.

What a pure and simple message and an easy one to keep us all in his peace when going about our daily ways in 2013.

....and just to close with a final joyous Christmas (common-ism) "Jesus is the reason for the Season" so let us all enjoy his birthday celebrations - Amen!!